PSL Database |
US-traded preferred stocks- traditionals, trust,
3rd-party trust, ETDs

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Ex-dividend dates updated in real-time |
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Chart prices - any date range, dividend history,

Dividend history (declaration, ex-div, record,
payment, div amount)
Yield-To-Call (YTC), Effective Annual Return
(EAR), Current Yield (CY)

Rate calculator (YTC, EAR, CY) with side-by-side
Qualified Dividend Income (QDI) designation for
favorable tax treatment

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specific company
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Link to detailed Spec Sheet and Prospectus

Security description, dividend calculation and
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Risk characteristics - ratings,
cumulative/non-cumulative, score |
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Return calculators - current yield, yield-to-call, effective annual return |
Preferred stock market trend charts and
indicators |
Discussion group – incredible group of
preferred stock investors

Comprehensive On-line Tutorial

Return calculators - current yield,
yield-to-call, effective annual return |